Few Words About Myself Nice to Meet You
Greetings, fellow traveler! I’m delighted to have you here, admiring my creations. please allow me not to let you go before getting to know a bit my story behind…
I am Paul Bogdan, or simply Paul, in order to keep it simple… I reside and explore this magnificent cosmos from Bucharest, Romania.
With charcoal in my hand, I can transform the world into something new and reveal its hidden beauty. I haf discovered this gift when I was only five years old, in kindergarten, where I made my first sketch. I never attended any formal training to become an artist, I just followed my intuition and passion. As hopefully You can see through my distinctive style. Through years of practice and countless experiments, I have mastered the skills that enable me to craft my art.
A meaningful saying for me, and to be shared with you all: “If you want to glimpse your soul, commission a drawing of yourself or of a moment of your life.”
People are my inspiration, and I create in order to honor them and this gift. And this is how I believe the universe works. All I wish is to offer you something that will stay with you forever.
Let’s make something amazing together!

Where magic is happening few sketches
Here you can view some drawings in process of becoming something brilliant.
How does this happen Processing
Here I like to show you drawing processing. Sometimes you can not see result without direct comparison. So I’ll show you direct compare photo before and after processing.
short video How it's made?
I really do it
Seriously positive feedback always keeps me motivated
few drawing owners
Color is a means to exercise a direct influence on the Soul. Color is the key. The eye is the hammer. The Soul is a piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that with this or that key brings the soul to vibrate. Thank you Paul!
In a world of chaos, art is a window to God. When I met Paul, I knew that only by such an artist’s hands the Universe will manage to maintain its balance. The way he manages to bring light into the coal, the soul and the face of his art admirers is unique. Thus, I recommend his artworks! Paul, keep on revealing the beauty of the world!
Paul’s charcoal drawing is a stunning piece of art that captures the essence of the woman he drew. The intricate details and shading of the charcoal medium bring the portrait to life, making it a timeless piece that will be cherished for years to come. The drawing is a testament to Paul’s artistic talent and his ability to create a beautiful work of art that truly captures the spirit of his subject.